What is Video Surveillance?

Video surveillance refers to keeping a check on a scene or scenes in search of any activity that is
improper or that may be indicative of an emergency.
The video surveillance process begins with the categorization of vulnerable areas on a site and then the
placement of security cameras in those specified areas to get a view of any activity there. Another helpful
tactic is finding specific time intervals when any improper activity is likely to happen, for instance at
nighttime. Then, by reviewing the selected data from those specified times, it is possible to conclude
whether any improper activity is happening.

At Kazo-K9.Co.UK, we use video surveillance to not just maximize the security of any given site but also
to leave no room for any inaccuracy in providing security services.
Guiding Principles on Government Use of Surveillance Technologies
We follow a clearly defined set of principles when deploying video surveillance for security purposes.

These principles include the following:

Relevant Legal Protection:
The use of surveillance technologies is to be carried out by not just the country’s domestic law but also
the international regulations, consistent with ethical values and the rule of law, and following principles
such as necessity, rationality, and lawfulness. The company will not use the technology in any manner
that violates human rights or undermines fundamental freedoms. And will also have mechanisms that
prevent and address violations of domestic & international regulations.

Any use of surveillance technology is not targeting individuals or a faction of people based on religion,
cast, creed, ethnicity, race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, political opinions, or any other
categorization protected by law or on any other grounds not covered by the domestic laws and
international practices.


Our company makes sure that the use of surveillance technologies is done so in a way that proactively
counters the dangers of misuse and allows enough room for reviews. Oversight like human reviews that
enable compliance with all the domestic and international laws, procedures, and policies to be deployed.
The company maintains data collected from surveillance in the form of records and logs to help in all
oversight and accountability measures.

Transparency: ensures transparency of all the laws and regulations relevant to the use of surveillance
technologies. Clear descriptions regarding how the technology works, the impacts, how negative impacts
are dealt with, the frequency of the use of surveillance, and how data processing is done in consistence
with all the relevant regulations and policies both domestic and international.

Limitations regarding data:
The data in its bulk and type that is collected by the use of surveillance technology will be collected only
when needed to achieve specific and legitimate aims of the company and these aims will be consistent
with all the relevant regulations and policies, including rules on safeguarding personal information and
the confidentiality of communications. The use of any surveillance technology should be only when
necessary and within all the relevant legal frameworks.

Post-Acquisition Data Handling:
Collected data by the company with the use of surveillance technology should be done in ways that
ensure its collection; processing, retention, and use are all consistent with the purpose for which it
was collected. Data is subject to measures, including requirements in the case of breaches, reporting
and penalties for misuse, and regular interval data deletion schedules.

Respect for Human Rights:
The company ensure that the surveillance technologies are designed, developed, and used with
mechanisms that ensure the safeguarding of human rights and fundamental freedoms which include
the right to be free from unlawful scrutiny of one’s privacy, and respect for one’s autonomy.

Company ensures that all the surveillance technologies it uses undergo regular tests and evaluations
that are needed for effective and safe usage. These evaluations consider both the type of technology
used and the human operators who will be using the technology. Regular testing will be done to
ensure continued integrity for the purpose.

Company employees who are responsible for the use and assessment of surveillance systems are
properly trained in the workings and the limitations of the technology. And, about the legal
frameworks we will be working within while using the surveillance equipment.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) ensures that businesses are operating according to
principles and policies that make a positive impact on society and the environment.
Through CSR, we at make decisions driven by financial gain and profitability, and
the impact of our actions on our communities by voluntarily adopting ethical, sustainable, and
responsible business practices, companies that deliver benefits to all; consumers, shareholders,
employees, and society.
We take the “triple bottom line” approach to our CSR policy. The triple bottom line refers to the idea
that our company’s business model revolves around the three P’s: people, planet, and profit. By
maximizing all three, our company aims to make a positive impact on the world and help in

By fulfilling our Environmental responsibility, Ethical responsibility, and Economic responsibility
we make sure that all the requirements of our CSR policy are being met.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy provides us with a way of doing business that aims to
increase a company’s social impact while meeting business objectives such as growth and revenue

We at proudly claim that we deal with all parties linked with us; employees, clients,
and partners, in a respectable and honorable way.

Modern Slavery is a serious crime against the fundamental rights and integrity of people. Modern
slavery – as a term – encompasses many forms of slavery, including human trafficking, forced
servitude debt bonded labor, etc. According to Anti-Slavery International, modern slavery is when
an individual is exploited by others, for either personal or commercial benefits. It is when an
individual is tricked, coerced, or forced in any shape or form, and hence loses personal freedom.
At, we maintain a strict policy that ensures that all our relationships and dealings
are ethically sound and that their integrity remains intact. Furthermore, we have effective
countermeasures to make sure that modern slavery does not go unchecked and unmonitored.
As a company, we are committed to making our purpose evident in every part of our business,
from the way we provide our services to the interactions we have with our customers, employees,
and communities.

Our Modern Slavery Policy statement is made pursuant to all the requirements of modern slavery
and transparency laws of the country which require businesses to ensure that slavery and human
trafficking are not taking place in their supply chains or any other part of the business. In this
pursuit, we ensure transparency within all facets of our business regarding efforts to deter forced
labor, slavery, and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. This policy is applicable
to all the people associated with us in any capacity; employees at all levels, clients and suppliers,

Ensuring the Policy:
a) The fundamental responsibility to make sure that the policy is being adopted on all ends lies
with the Board of Directors.
b) The day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of this policy is with HR, which must
keep a check on the policy’s use and effectiveness, gauging control systems and procedures to
ensure they are working as they should be.

Following the Policy:
a) All people concerned should make sure they have read, comprehended, and adhered to the
b) All people concerned should help in the detection as well as the prevention of slavery in any
facet. Further than that, in case of any such occurrence, must report to higher authorities.
c) All parties involved should actively avoid anything that could potentially cause a breach of this
d) All parties involved are encouraged to raise genuine concerns in good faith under this policy if
they suspect that a breach might be occurring in any part of the business.

  1. Raising awareness regarding the Policy:
    a) Special learning techniques and pieces of training to be deployed to ensure that employees get
    the proper understanding of Modern Slavery and its adverse effects.
    b) To ensure that all parties concerned are complying with a zero-tolerance approach to modern
    slavery, a special questionnaire to be filled out by them to gauge their answers regarding Modern
    Slavery so that the company can make informed decisions.
    Breaching the Policy:
    a) For clients: Termination of all dealings and relationships with any individual or organization
    thatpartakes in Modern Slavery in any way.
    b) For employees: Immediate and strict disciplinary action that could lead to potential dismissal
    depending upon the severity and nature of the breach.